Welcome to Twist of Dave! A site dedicated to giving life a much needed twist through writing and web development.

Ode to Arrested Development

March 25, 2011

Lindsay wears red,

Lindsay Bluth

Tobias is blue,

Tobias Funke painted Blue

I miss Arrested Development,

How about you?

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Site Update

August 17, 2010

Since I never write on my blog anymore, I’m gonna be doing away with it. Don’t worry, my new site will be even more awesome. I’m just trimming the fat. Keep an eye out for it in the next couple of days.

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Dave’s Au Jus

April 14, 2010

I’m gonna start making my own line of au jus sauces. Once you’ve tried it for the first time, you’ll swear you’ve had it before.

It’s a thinker folks.

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So it’s been a little while…

March 28, 2010

So keeping a blog is kind of a lot of work.

I try to only write things when I’m inspired, and to be inspired, I need to keep writing. Once I stopped it became an uphill battle. So I’m gonna try to get things going again, even if my site is a little outdated. Also, look around the site as I finally got around to adding other sections. And don’t forget, if you don’t like the color scheme, click on my head at the top right corner and it will change to a different one. If you don’t like either of them, well… that sucks for you.

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